FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Tips and detailed instructions for browsing and posting to the PhotographyToday.net Forums.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Post by AdminPTF »

Why is the URL (website address) so long?
By 2014, all of the shorter URLs were taken. I wish there was a better answer, but there isn’t. But as they become available, I will purchase them and at some point, shorten the URL.

Why do I need to create an account?
You need to create an account for two reasons:
1) To prevent spambots from posting useless messages and links. This registration process doesn’t prevent human spammers from joining. However, blocking spambots leaves just the task of eliminating the human spammers.
2) To allow you to take part in conversations. This also helps to create a sense of community that is vital for any online forum.

I just joined, but my post hasn't appeared. Where is it?
New members must have their first post approved. Human spammers register on this forum occasionally and then connect it to a bot or simply spam one of the forum topics. This process helps to prevent members from reading their nonsense. If your post hasn't been approved in a day or more, please notify the administrator. Once it's clear that you aren't a spammer, you'll be able to post freely.

Can I include photos in my posts?
Yes, you can upload photos using the photo upload tool. It is available only to members. You also can add photos by using the “[img]” bbcode tag.

» See this post for instructions on uploading photos
» See this post for instructions on embedding photos that are hosted elsewhere

What is bbcode?
Bbcode is a standardized set of codes that nearly all online forum software supports. These help you add formatting to words, phrases or sentences, such as bold, italic and underline. It also allows you to create links and insert images. To make text formatting easier, you can use the bbcode toolbar that sits above the editing window.

Do you limit the number of photos in a post?
No. Put as few or as many as you want. However, to make the page load quicker, try not to post overly large photos. As a guideline, try to keep individual photos from being larger than 2MB.

Do you censor posts?
Our moderators do not censor posts. We remove spam messages, but we do not censor or edit posts. If an occasion arises where an online dispute gets ugly, we will remove the post and/or lock the thread and address the dispute offline.

What do you do with my personal information?
The only information that you need to register is your name and e-mail address. This information is of little use to online criminals. No one will care that you are a member of a photography forum and try to use that information against you. This forum is not e-commerce and doesn't request or collect home addresses, phone numbers or credit-card information. Your name and e-mail address are not for sale.

Can I edit my own post?
Yes, just click the edit icon, which is the first icon in the row of icons above the post.

Can I delete my own post?
Yes, you can either delete the post by editing your post and check the “Delete post” box. Or you can erase the contents of the post. Once deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

Why can't I see certain categories unless I am logged in?
Non-registered guests can browse and view most of the categories, except for the classifieds. That helps to keep a sense of community in the trades and sales that occur among members.

Can I ask that new categories be added?
Of course. Just send me a note.

I noticed that a spammer has posted something. What should I do?
Let a moderator know or send me a note. The moderators make every attempt to deal with spammers quickly.

This forum has advertising. I don't like advertising.
Advertising helps pay for the hosting costs, which includes hosting of photos. If the advertisements bother you, you can always add an ad-block tool to your browser.


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