Search found 13 matches

by tadas
Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:05 pm
Forum: Folding Cameras and Plate Cameras
Topic: Zeca 6x9 folder
Replies: 5
Views: 11801

Zeca 6x9 folder

When your parents were refugees, you generally have few items from "the old country". My parents fled from Lithuania during WWII, and came to the US in 1948 (thank you, President Truman!). Aside from some paperwork, my father grabbed a butter knife and his camera when he fled. The camera i...
by tadas
Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:21 pm
Forum: Rangefinders
Topic: Great auction listing for a Soviet camera
Replies: 8
Views: 15291

Great auction listing for a Soviet camera

I was browsing "rangefinders" on eBay, when I found this auction listing: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** FED 35A USSR Soviet rangefinder film camera GOOD CONDITION! *** Tovarisch! Gaze upon the FED 35A, a cr...
by tadas
Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:42 pm
Forum: Scale Focus
Topic: The Lomo turns 30
Replies: 6
Views: 26753

Re: The Lomo turns 30

Remember to cock the shutter and keeping you finger away from the cocking arm when you shoot is always fun. :ugeek:
I got it - it's a trainer for shooting an Argus C3!
by tadas
Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:29 pm
Forum: The Fix-It Forum
Topic: Do any members do repairs? Yashica Lynx 14
Replies: 3
Views: 10646

Do any members do repairs? Yashica Lynx 14

I know Dean Williams retired. Do any current members do repairs on classic cameras? I got a Yashica Lynx 14, with the f 1:1.4 lens and Copal SVE shutter. It does click when you advance the lever and press the shutter button, just like the eBay seller said. Unfortunately, the shutter doesn't operate ...
by tadas
Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:18 pm
Forum: The Fix-It Forum
Topic: Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?
Replies: 7
Views: 18277

Re: Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?

It's definitely the camera, not the lens. I've tried multiple lenses, different brands, all of which line up correctly on a Pentax Spotmatic, a Mamiya-Sekor DTL 500, and a GAF M42 clone, and all of which (except for the current lens) don't align on this body.
by tadas
Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:33 pm
Forum: The Fix-It Forum
Topic: Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?
Replies: 7
Views: 18277

Re: Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?

How many screws hold the screw mount onto the camera? If it's six, then someone having removed the mount, and replaced it two holes out of register would account for that much difference. But you would think it would be milled on the back side to keep that from happening. Hmm... there are three scr...
by tadas
Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:29 pm
Forum: The Fix-It Forum
Topic: Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?
Replies: 7
Views: 18277

Ricoh Singlex TLS M42 weirdness - any suggestions?

I recently acted to relive the days of my youth by purchasing a Ricoh Singlex TLS on eBay (I went through late grammar school and high school with a Cavalier RTL, Willoughby-Peerless's house rebadge of the Ricoh Singlex). It arrived super clean, with no dings or any visible problems, and the meter w...
by tadas
Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:43 pm
Forum: Developing, Enlarging and Scanning
Topic: Latest on Fujichrome mailers - all good *for now*
Replies: 0
Views: 5538

Latest on Fujichrome mailers - all good *for now*

I just got off the phone with Dwaynes's. All Fujichrome mailers, whether they have an past-date expiration date or not, will continue to be valid past the end of this month. This is a change from the prior policy. The lady at Dwayne's suggests that we check in in January for any later dates or info ...
by tadas
Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:31 pm
Forum: Rangefinders
Topic: Kodak 35RF Camera Test
Replies: 8
Views: 18960

Re: Kodak 35RF Camera Test

I forget where I read this (one of Matanle's books, maybe?) but I always chuckled at the thought that the Kodak 35RF "looks like it was designed by a blacksmith"......
by tadas
Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:28 pm
Forum: Developing, Enlarging and Scanning
Topic: Fuji slide film mailers - do they expire 12/31?
Replies: 4
Views: 12895

Re: Fuji slide film mailers - do they expire 12/31?

You (and I) are in luck. I just called Dwayne's in Parsons Kansas, which is where the Fujifilm mailers go for slide processing. They tell me that they do not have plans to discontinue slide processing at the end of the year. I went crazy and shot about 4-5 rolls of Velvia faster than I would have l...