Super Moon

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Super Moon

Post by PFMcFarland »

Shot with my Nikon P7700, and I'm not happy with the results. Guess I better start saving up for a D610.

First of three full "Super" moons this year.

Strawberry Moon by br1078phot, on Flickr
This first shot came out kind of faded, so I had to work it a bit to come out with something better than what PSE10 did on Auto Correct.

Mono Moon by br1078phot, on Flickr
The mono version (done in-camera) came out much better than the color one did.

Brighter by br1078phot, on Flickr
Still not liking the moon color here, but at least the sky isn’t Black Light Purple.

Three Moons by br1078phot, on Flickr
No interval meter on the camera, so I just watched the moon as it crossed the grid lines on the viewing screen, and took a photo when it was in the right spot.

Cold Hearted Orb by br1078phot, on Flickr
A most apt description by Graeme Edge of The Moody Blues.

Feel free to add your pics.


Waiting for the light
Dennis Gallus
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Re: Super Moon

Post by Dennis Gallus »

Hi, Phil,

I like 4 and 5 a lot. Given that we are in our monsoon season, we have been lucky to just get glimpses of the full moon this month. I'm glad that you took advantage of the opportunity.

Dennis Gallus
Hereford, Arizona USA
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Re: Super Moon

Post by PFMcFarland »

Yeah, I wasn't even going to take the shots, Dennis, but then since I've not done any photography so far this month, figured it was time to do so. On that last shot I really had to crank the +/- dial down to -3 for the detail. I'm beginning to see where the failings are in this camera, as the metering system lets me down a lot.

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Re: Super Moon

Post by minoly »


Those are all fine pictures as I see them. I react to "Mono Moon" and "Cold Hearted Orb" the most; maybe because "Mono" has earth in it, too, which makes it familiar; "Cold" doesn't pull any punches, so the title really fits. Good work!

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