In spite of these limitations, the Sigma can be fun to use. It produces some lovely files, the per-pixel sharpness at 100% is quite something.
Anyway, I decided to take a day off from work-work and home-work. I took the DP2M, along with a Pentacon Six TL and Canon FTb, out for a day's photography, over the Remutaka Hill into the south Wairarapa region on the south east coast of the North Island. I shot these two on the way back home, having stopped at the Remutaka Hill Road's summit and walked up to the trig station on the very top. I'd not stopped to walk up before, as either the weather had not been conducive or I'd had others in the car who were less than keen in venturing up.
The start of the track has warnings about rapidly changeable weather, and makes a particular note of caution about Wellington's infamous wind. Indeed, even on this quite pleasant evening, the wind at the top made it quite difficult to stand still! I bought a monopod up with me to act as stabilisation, for me and the camera

From time to time, vehicles get blown off the road & the road is ocassionally closed due to wind (or more rarely, snow).