Hummingbirds, Maddie-style...

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Nancy B
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Re: Hummingbirds, Maddie-style...

Post by Nancy B »

Outstanding! I love hummingbirds, even though I rarely see one anymore where I live. Tell Maddie she did an excellent job.

Photography is a form of time travel.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Re: Hummingbirds, Maddie-style...

Post by scott »

Thanks again, everyone. She was shooting again today. Saw a male (first we've seen) but didn't get a shot. Did shoot the momma again:

ImageIMG_5251 by Scott --, on Flickr

I'd left the camera on Manual and ISO 200, hence the blurred wings (an effect I prefer). Went out to put the camera back in aperture priority, and the little comedienne took this:

ImageIMG_5259 by Scott --, on Flickr

That's my girl.
Dennis Gallus
Posts: 208
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Re: Hummingbirds, Maddie-style...

Post by Dennis Gallus »

Scott and Maddie,

Nice work! Keep it coming, please.

Dennis Gallus
Hereford, Arizona USA
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