Way out West...

Often simply written as "W/NW" - your favorite photos. Explain them, or let your photos (film or digital) speak for themselves.
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Way out West...

Post by scott »

Seventeen years ago in a couple weeks my wife and I spent our first anniversary in Jackson Hole and Yellowstone. Ever since we've been looking forward to returning. Largely limited by our hesitation to bring the kids at too young an age (we like to walk, not just sight-see from the car) we decided earlier this year that the time had come.

As much as I'd like to say I brought along an 8x10 and plenty of Velvia, well, I didn't. Digital may not be romantic, but it's a damn sight easier and more convenient with an impatient wife and two teenaged kids. And I'll go that one further - I didn't bring a tripod. Yep - 100% handheld. Wish I'd brought a monopod at least, but on some (bad) advice online, I was under the impression it wouldn't pass muster for a carry-on, and we didn't check any bags (yep - read that right). Anyway, adjustable ISO and IS cure many sins, and I'm pretty happy with some of the shots.

Here're a few to whet your whistle:

ImageIMG_9336 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageIMG_9272 by Scott, on Flickr

ImagePronghorn Antelope by Scott, on Flickr

And contrary to the close quarters with oft-grumpy teens, a good time was had by all:
ImageIMG_9360 by Scott, on Flickr

There're s'more on flickr. Thanks for looking - if you have any questions about where or what in any of the pictures, drop me a line.


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Re: Way out West...

Post by PFMcFarland »

With plenty of light, anything can be shot hand-held. Some great views there, Scott.

Waiting for the light
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Re: Way out West...

Post by scott »

Thanks, PF. One day I'll get out there with proper gear, though that kind of trip could entail months. Good thing: my son discovered he loves hiking while on this trip. We're planning some trips to Bushkill Falls and Rickett's Glen, and we WILL be packing LF gear.
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Re: Way out West...

Post by titrisol »

WOW! you album is just amazing!!! I wish to be there someday but I'm sure I will not make it justice like you have.
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