Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

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Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by alexvaras »

The main thing of this trip was to visit my family, I did a little description about my mom's family and those I wanted to see.
For some reasons I will post only my parents and aunts, but not cousins and nephews/niece.
Bilbao is in the north of Spain, one of the main cities of the Basque Country. It has an important port and all the time since the beginning it has been a commercial and industrial city between Spain, England and France (I think there is a ferry between Bilbao and Portsmouth, Graham I can tell you where to go to eat).
The housing has been very influenced by England, the main part of the city was expanded during the main commercial activity with England during the late industrial revolution (1900) so you may see some details of this influence in the photos, the main one you will loose it, it's the "red english", which is the red brought from south of England I guess.
Another thing you should keep in mind that basques were here/there before the romans arrived and due the geographic territory topology the Roman cultural ingluence was not enough to erase us from the map.
And the third thing you will see its the modern Bilbao, which is the touristic side since the Guggenheim was built about 20 years ago (my university stands in front of it and I saw it building it every day of my long studies).

First photo is related to traditions, this one you can find it in northern Spain, Cabezudos are bigheaded, a guy puts his head into that and with a whip or fresh rod starts chasing kids along an itinerary with intention of making the kids to run faster :)
This happens during the celebration of the main day/days/week of the town


This is tombstone between centuries V - I b.C. found near Durango.

Through Bilbao goes one river, we named it La Ria (The River but female). It's presence is no so important as before but still loved.
Houses along the river, typical closed balcony to keep the rain outside and get the maximum light in, in the north it rains no matter the season.
ImageCasas de la Ría

The old chuch of San Nicolas, a symbol of the city put in the banner as well.
ImageSan Nicolás

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, the 75mm lens is not enough, I should shoot from the other side of the river and I had no time.
It was amazing watching the process along the years, no one imagined how the city would change thanks to it, but we assimilated it pretty quick :)
ImageGuggenheim Bilbao

This is in the riverside walk, I'm not sure if the intention of who put ot there was to watch him going to the statue-gate?
ImageRamón Rubial by Alex B/N, on Flickr

La Ria and the city.
ImageLa Ría de Bilbao by Alex B/N, on Flickr

Main train station.
ImageEstación de Santander by Alex B/N, on Flickr

Now my parents, a big focus problem, sorry. No other comments of them, no time or space enough.
Image000091760001 by Alex B/N, on Flickr

And my aunts Vicen, Angeles and Inma. Vicen is the matriarch of the family, Angeles the best cooker ever and Inma is the dreamer :)
Image000091760006 by Alex B/N, on Flickr

No much but at least something, as usual thank you for watching :)
Last edited by alexvaras on Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by Julio1fer »

Thanks for sharing these, Alex. The Superb is indeed working well in your hands.

Never been to Bilbao - that Ria must be a beautiful place to get cityscapes.

I like the tones in the Guggenheim picture. That is a very sharp lens indeed.
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by PFMcFarland »

There are times I wish I had grown up in a large European city like yours, Alex. They are usually the centers of culture, and your photos show this. They are much appreciated. Very good ones of your parents and aunts too.

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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by GrahamS »

alexvaras wrote: Bilbao is in the north of Spain, one of the main cities of the Basque Country. It has an important port and all the time since the beginning it has been a commercial and industrial city between Spain, England and France (I think there is a ferry between Bilbao and Portsmouth, Graham I can tell you where to go to eat).
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt! Alex, my best Beloved and I took a ferry trip one New Year weekend to Bilbao. The voyage from Portsmouth to Santander was fine but when we went to Bilbao from there by coach it stared to rain, and the rain never stopped. We walked as far as we could wherever we could find shelter but we never saw much of the city. Everything was closed, not even a cafe' was open so we were very wet and hungry when we got back to Santander. We sailed for Portsmouth the following morning into the worst storm that, the ferry captain told us, he had ever experienced in the Bay of Biscay. The swells were 20m high and crashing completely over the superstructure of the ship. I was very very seasick and we arrived back in Portsmouth eight hours late and missed our connection to London. What can I say? We tried.

Your photos are wonderful and show what we missed. We will go again some day, but not by ferry.
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by alexvaras »

Oh my... Graham that was quite an adventure!
As far as I remember the nearest cafe near the station is about 300 metres and you need to know that is there or you will miss it due the rain. It's awkward because there normally you have a bar or cafe every 20 metres, but near the train station it's like a black hole for these things.
If you decide to come back, le me know and I will give you addresses for good places where to eat.

Phil, Bilbao it's not so large or so old comparing to others, but I see your point. I consider myself lucky to be from that place but I guess everyone does the same and about cultural it's recently due the museum, before it was a grey and industrial city and sometimes a city it's not cultural, it has traditions, which we have a lot and in the other hand these traditions keep away the people or city to grow and become something better. Bilbao did it but many were not happy with the new museum when it was planned and approved, I guess we are in debt with the ones who knew the effect would have to the city and the expectations have been beyond any guess.
I'm going to read about this, who pussed so hard to make it true.
Thank Phil for your insight.

Thank you all for your appreciation of the photos.
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by Bennybee »

Alex, nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. The only place in Spain I have been to is Madrid, but Bilbao seems a worthwhile destination next time. The Guggenheim museum has been on my list for a while...
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by jamesmck »

A wonderful set of photos, Alex. There is a lot for you to miss in your home territory.
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by alexvaras »

Bennybee wrote:Alex, nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. The only place in Spain I have been to is Madrid, but Bilbao seems a worthwhile destination next time. The Guggenheim museum has been on my list for a while...
Im happy that you consider to go, if you like modern art its amazing, but the most impressive is the building and the sculptures in the first floor, the inside open spaces are something to be looking at during hours.
jamesmck wrote:A wonderful set of photos, Alex. There is a lot for you to miss in your home territory.
Well James, I didn't miss my country really but coming back, doing these photos and re-reading the comments I did for each I realised that I didn't value them as they really are, thank you for giving me the chance to think about it, your words helped me.
Now living here its different, because I truly believe I will miss Russia when I leave (if I leave), that's why Im so mono-thematic in some of my photos, churches, buildings, statues, etc. I truly like to watch these things when I walk by.
I should start shooting the things I don't like as well to have a whole perspective of the city/country, if I can convert the ugliness to something beautiful it would be amazing.
This takes me to the thing I have been thinking these last days, August is here, meaning someone will turn on the rain-mode ON and no more sun until some days in September and then again 3-4 months of no-sun. My question to you that have more time shooting than me is how can I make bright/clear/no dull photos with cloudy/rainy weather? Is it possible?
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Re: Voigtlander Superb - Bilbao

Post by Julio1fer »

Bright, clear, not dull are relative terms, Alex. Sometimes bright sun is a problem because you get too much contrast. I actually prefer overcast or hazy sun days, if I can choose. I'd bet that the Guggenheim building, for instance, is an easier subject in dull weather.

Portraits and street definitely come out better in gray days.

The key is a full range of tones. This may also be controlled during developing, printing or scanning. If you are shooting color, it may even stand out better in a gray day.

In my experience it pays to go with the weather's temperament instead of trying to fight it.

We may open a thread to show bright pictures (or interesting pictures) in dull weather.
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