Ron Bishop

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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by GrahamS »

Bennybee wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 2:41 pm
RIP Ron. He will be missed.
Does anyone here have any news about Les Gediman?
Benny, Les passed away some time ago. See here:
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1961&p=13059&hilit ... man#p13059

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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by Bennybee »

That is sad. I didn't know. I must have missed that news back then (I was away from here for a while when my photography was on a pause).
I once sold a Nikon EM to Les and I had to send it to his new address in Florida. We emailed back and forth for a short while and he told me that he used to live here in Belgium for a few years. He was friends here then with the Antwerp artist Jan Cox and Les even sent me a small proof etching that he once got from that artist.

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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by GrahamS »

Bennybee wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 10:57 am
That is sad. I didn't know. I must have missed that news back then (I was away from here for a while when my photography was on a pause).
I once sold a Nikon EM to Les and I had to send it to his new address in Florida. We emailed back and forth for a short while and he told me that he used to live here in Belgium for a few years. He was friends here then with the Antwerp artist Jan Cox and Les even sent me a small proof etching that he once got from that artist.
Benny, as I have said before, Les was one of the worlds true gentlemen.

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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by PFMcFarland »

Well, this is a sorry bit of news. I shouldn't stay away for so long. Ron was always encouraging me in my pursuit of camera repair knowledge, even sending me a box of cameras every so often as he was cleaning out his collection. Most of what he gave me worked just fine, and I enjoyed learning about their different characteristics. He loved to tell me the tales of his truck driving days on the occasional times he would call. He is sorely missed as is Les and the others who no longer populate this Forum.

Keep it 'tween the lines, Ron!


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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by titrisol »

PF! I was just thinkg about you, havent seen new pics in a while.
Hope you are doing well
PFMcFarland wrote:
Sun May 21, 2023 1:36 pm
Well, this is a sorry bit of news. I shouldn't stay away for so long. Ron was always encouraging me in my pursuit of camera repair knowledge, even sending me a box of cameras every so often as he was cleaning out his collection. Most of what he gave me worked just fine, and I enjoyed learning about their different characteristics. He loved to tell me the tales of his truck driving days on the occasional times he would call. He is sorely missed as is Les and the others who no longer populate this Forum.

Keep it 'tween the lines, Ron!


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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by Julio1fer »

We’ll miss Ron, I remember many of his posts but one stands out in my memory. In Nelsonfoto, he once posted about a found film frame in a Pentax Spotmatic which collectively we identified as being the entrance to the Pompeii ruins in Italy, after a long search. He also commented about his truck driving and, IIRC, riding motorcycles.

RIP Ron, and let us all keep in touch.

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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by PFMcFarland »

titrisol wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 10:22 am
PF! I was just thinkg about you, havent seen new pics in a while.
Hope you are doing well
PFMcFarland wrote:
Sun May 21, 2023 1:36 pm
Well, this is a sorry bit of news. I shouldn't stay away for so long. Ron was always encouraging me in my pursuit of camera repair knowledge, even sending me a box of cameras every so often as he was cleaning out his collection. Most of what he gave me worked just fine, and I enjoyed learning about their different characteristics. He loved to tell me the tales of his truck driving days on the occasional times he would call. He is sorely missed as is Les and the others who no longer populate this Forum.

Keep it 'tween the lines, Ron!

Oh, I'm still kicking around. Long term effects from my cancer treatments and other things just wearing out have kept me off the streets for a while. Got quite a few rolls of film that needs developed and scanned. I'm starting to feel much better now after getting an inhaler for my breathing issues, plus have come up with a decent pain management plan. Have to catch up on stuff I had to put off but will try to find time to get in some photography now and then.

I don't mind being old, it's the getting there part that sucks.


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Re: Ron Bishop

Post by jamesmck »

Bennybee wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 2:41 pm
RIP Ron. He will be missed.
Does anyone here have any news about Les Gediman?
Les and wife are both gone.

James McKearney
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