Filters for B&W?

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Re: Filters for B&W?

Post by GrahamS »

minoly wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:46 pm
I was really surprised to see that there are b&w filters for digital cameras, too.
Bill Delehanty
There are only two optical filters that are useful on a digital camera - a polarising filter and a clear protective filter. All of the rest can be reproduced digitally. Selling coloured filters for B&W photography on a digital camera is a con!

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Re: Filters for B&W?

Post by alexvaras »

minoly wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:46 pm
A few days after making the post above, I searched for filters online . From the results about what's available, it seems as though there must still be a pretty good market for them. I was really surprised to see that there are b&w filters for digital cameras, too. I also found a useful cross-reference chart that gives the names for common filters from several makers.

Bill Delehanty
That link is very useful! Thank you, Bill!

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Re: Filters for B&W?

Post by titrisol »

I would add a deep red filter as well
I tried reproducing the results of near IR in the Digicam (Wratten 89B / 720nm) and was not happy with the results compared to using the filter
Also, recently I found a light pollution filter for astro photography that works incredibly well
GrahamS wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:43 am
There are only two optical filters that are useful on a digital camera - a polarising filter and a clear protective filter. All of the rest can be reproduced digitally. Selling coloured filters for B&W photography on a digital camera is a con!
PS, Kodak Wratten filter transmittance table here:

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Re: Filters for B&W?

Post by George_in_Georgia » is an excellent source of filters, etc. Most are used but their condition is accurately stated. Tim the Main Man there really knows his stuff! I have a lovely Zeiss Contessa, a 1950s folder with a f2.8 Tessar. The threads on that lens are on the OUTSIDE of the lens, rather than on the inside! Tim found an Endalite Series adapter, plus yellow, red, and green filters, plus a nice little leather case for the whole ensemble.

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Re: Filters for B&W?

Post by minoly »

Thanks to all who provided answers & links to my question about using filters in b&w. Even though I've been hoping that I could simplify my photography (and the closet in our den where I store stuff) by just using digital, I think I'll keep all my old film filters and use them more. I like the monochrome settings on the Lumix GX85 but that camera is very complicated and hard to deal with when something goes wrong.

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