Olympus OM10

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Nancy B
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by Nancy B »

I used D76 (because that's the developer that I have free access to), 1+1 at 20C and followed the MDC recommendations for development time, which was 14 minutes. Should I have used the stock mixture instead? That would give me a recommended development time of 9.5 minutes. If you think that will help, I'll try the film again and follow that combination.

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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by Julio1fer »

Stock D-76, and the film pulled (at ISO 200) would be the most you could reasonably do to get finer grain. Try about 7.5 or 8 minutes dev time at 20 C. Agitate all of first minute, then one inversion each minute. Water stop should be OK.

I do not really know how much this would help since I have never used that film. But it should make a difference.
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by LarryD »

Nancy, I don't know if you have this chart but this is from Freestyle and I noticed that the times on it are taken directly from the Kentmere page. I found that when I used it they seemed a little thin so I added 10% to the times and they seemed right on.
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by Mike Kovacs »

I'm wondering if the camera meter is underexposing. Have you compared against a known camera metering a blank wall?
Nancy B
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by Nancy B »

Thanks Julio, and Larry, I will try your recommendations, I've got a few more rolls of the stuff in my fridge!

And Mike, I thought the metering may be off, but I haven't compared it to another camera; I'll try that too.

I'd just like her to be able to use the camera and get good results, otherwise she'll never come back from the dark side (digital!).
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by LarryD »

We are now the Dark side. We use Film. LOL
If we all saw the world the same no one would need a camera.
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Re: Olympus OM10

Post by PFMcFarland »

How can there be a "Dark Side", when all we do is capture light?
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