CoronaVirus Pandemonium

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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by titrisol »

Dang! I started this topic almost a year ago
Hope everyone is safe and things are getting better

I have despaired on how many civil liberties have been and are still trampled during this time, and how much the "crisis" has brought the worse out of many people.
It is not THE vaccine they care about, is MY vaccine
All the mask-nazis and the snitches are just disgusting

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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by PFMcFarland »

I'm doing better now. Didn't get Covid but had a heart attack and radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I've more or less recovered from all that but have other things to look after now, stuff that has been going on for years but I couldn't convince the doctors to do something about it. So I've been somewhat preoccupied with all that, and having to live like a hermit put a clamp on the photography. I managed to make a few forays every so often. Now I have to get the films developed.

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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by Julio1fer »

PF, glad to read you are more or less recovered. All the best.

Down here, a huge wave of cases and hospitals close to capacity, we are enjoying the P1 Brazilian variant. Cases now starting to go down. Vaccination at full speed at the same time. Maybe in two more months we could start to approach normality.

I have a Nikon F and the Autocord in mid roll, both loaded in January; no opportunities to go out to finish the rolls. I got out of my home only to get the vaccine shots in the last month.
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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by alexvaras »

Here, last month the official Speaker from the government announced that thanks to the efforts and strategies of the government more of the half of the population of the big cities has already immunity (no through vaccine precisely).
Nobody can deny that...
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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by titrisol »

Wishing you a quick recovery!
PFMcFarland wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:33 pm
I'm doing better now. Didn't get Covid but had a heart attack and radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I've more or less recovered from all that but have other things to look after now, stuff that has been going on for years but I couldn't convince the doctors to do something about it. So I've been somewhat preoccupied with all that, and having to live like a hermit put a clamp on the photography. I managed to make a few forays every so often. Now I have to get the films developed.

If you can't fix it with a hammer... you got an electrical problem
even duct tape can't fix stupid.... but it can muffle it (SilentObserver)
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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by melek »

That's a lot for anyone to endure. I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. I've been healthy. I get my second shot (Pfizer) in about a week. My brother ended up with Covid. He had some breathing issues, which he said were related to his previous bout with pneumonia a couple of years ago. He also lost weight, but he needed to lose weight at 275+.

I'm itching to start shooting film again.
PFMcFarland wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:33 pm
I'm doing better now. Didn't get Covid but had a heart attack and radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I've more or less recovered from all that but have other things to look after now, stuff that has been going on for years but I couldn't convince the doctors to do something about it. So I've been somewhat preoccupied with all that, and having to live like a hermit put a clamp on the photography. I managed to make a few forays every so often. Now I have to get the films developed.

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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by alexvaras »

Happy to read you are doing good, PF.
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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by PFMcFarland »

Thanks, everyone. I might be doing too good because I need to get back on my diet.

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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by Philip »

We have been fairly lucky, so far, here in Newfoundland. Being an island, traffic in has been fairly easily controlled. We have had two rapid spikes in Covid but both were quickly controlled with full lockdown measures. I had two medical operations postponed during the first, longer, lockdown, but have had both now. One was an operation on my hand (six months on, still doing physiotherapy), and the second was repairing an inguinal hernia (six weeks on and I am starting to pick up the cat again).
And we got our first vaccine shot a week ago!

We have been out walking as much as we can (after my hernia operation even that had to stop for me) but otherwise life is still pretty slow and restricted.

PF -- good luck in your continued recuperation! I raise a glass (well, really a mug of tea) in your direction (and I can use either hand to do it).
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Re: CoronaVirus Pandemonium

Post by PFMcFarland »

Thank you, Philip. I'm glad they got you sewed back together. I'm mostly a water drinker these days, but here's to you!

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