ICCD 2017

Often simply written as "W/NW" - your favorite photos. Explain them, or let your photos (film or digital) speak for themselves.
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ICCD 2017

Post by PFMcFarland »

International Commie Camera Day came with me still looking for my Zorki-6, so I had to go with Plan B, and use the Zorki-3 that has the wonky rangefinder (vertical adjustment cannot be fixed). I stayed with the Jupiter-8 2/50 lens, and loaded some Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100, as it gives good results in either sunny or cloudy conditions.

There were rain bands moving through the area on the 1st, so it was hit-or-miss when I got to a location on whether I’d be able to get a shot or two. When the rain did let up, it was only for a short while, then it was back in the truck looking for another dry spot. I kept a close eye on my radar app.

Here are some examples from the day.

Two things I was concentrating on here: nailing the focus on the little tree, and not falling in the creek.
Precarious by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Me and my Zorki-3
Why Yes, It Is A Zorki-3 by P F McFarland, on Flickr

A ‘47 International on International Commie Camera Day
Grilled by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Progress, of sorts. (Eight image stitch)
Gateway Crossing Roundabout by P F McFarland, on Flickr

See the rest at https://flic.kr/s/aHskZWGLKv

Last edited by PFMcFarland on Thu May 18, 2017 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Waiting for the light
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Re: ICCD 2017

Post by LarryD »

If we all saw the world the same no one would need a camera.
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Re: ICCD 2017

Post by Julio1fer »

Well done, Comrade!
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