Back in 2020, before all my medical issues got in the way, I sent my Leica IIIf off for a shutter replacement, seeing as I've never done a curtain replacement, nor have any idea as to what you set the spring tension to after assembly (all the instructions I've ever seen were very vague about that). Anyway, turns out the guy I sent it to really had a better impression of his own self-worth as a repairman than I could ever give him credit for. Not only did the shutter have a major fault on the roll of Kodak Gold 200 I ran through it, but the flash sync doesn't work anymore either. It was just fine when I shipped it off to Pennsylvania.
So, frames 2 through 7 are completely wrecked, and the rest of the roll was at least a whole stop over exposed.
A Revolting Predicament by
P F McFarland, on Flickr
The NOOKY-HEESUM worked fine with the Summitar 50/2
Lichen Patch Even Closer by
P F McFarland, on Flickr
And the Summaron 35/3.5 focuses well (point of interest is the sign)
Sign Up Close by
P F McFarland, on Flickr
If you want to see the rest of the test photos with commentary, plus some others of an old factory, go to the album on Flickr at