Wide zoom and large fish

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Wide zoom and large fish

Post by Julio1fer »

I have this two-ringed 18-28 Camron zoom in Pentax K mount. It has an Olympus metal cap, but I believe it is a quite common Samyang or similar model. In any case this lens comes handy on trips, especially on crowded old cities.

Testing it after a long time, mounted on the Pentax ME, I was lucky to find a big catch spread out.


These are "corvinas", very large ones, about 15 to 25 pounds weight. Probably the fishermen caught all that they could carry in their little boat.


Film is FP4+ in Beutler.

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Re: Wide zoom and large fish

Post by PFMcFarland »

Nice, Julio. I wondered how good those lenses were. The one I've got is chock full of fungus.

Waiting for the light
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Re: Wide zoom and large fish

Post by Julio1fer »

Thanks PF. The lens is sharp enough at f/8 and below. Not a Nikon prime, but satisfactory. I am not very picky anyway. The thing is the very wide range and the ability to compose with a zoom, which sometimes you need in crowded places.

With this lens, you should focus by guessing distances. Focusing with the microprism or split image is wasting your time.

Sorry to hear that your example has fungus. It does not look like an easy thing to take apart and clean. It has more groups inside that our current governing political party.
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