Kodak Pony 35mm

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Kodak Pony 35mm

Post by TobaccorRoad »

I found a Kodak Pony in one of our moving boxes. Opened it up and I'll be darned, it has a roll of asa 100 film in it.[ Kalimar film?} It doesn't look like it was ever spooled unto the take up spool.
Soooo, the only control is the EXP Value ring and distance ring. For ASA 100 film what EV # should use, they are between 10.5 thru 15
So for a sunny day what EV should I use, it is a 12 frame roll so I was thinking of just skipping thru the #s ???

Ron B

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Re: Kodak Pony 35mm

Post by minoly »

Ron, Maybe someone who knows that Pony camera will pitch in here... but I think that if the shutter speed is 1/50 the EV15 aperture would be f/22 with 100 speed film so you could work around from that down to EV13 which would be f/11 etc. Hope this helps a little until somebody who still has the little cards that came with those Ponies chimes in. Bill D.
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Re: Kodak Pony 35mm

Post by Julio1fer »

Ron, here is a link where Lomography posted a reproduction of the exposure cards, about the middle of the page. If I am not mistaken, these are from before the ASA index changed. You can see Plus-X rated at 50 ASA and Tri-X at 200. In current ISO you have of course 100 and 400 for those films.

In a sunny day with 100 ISO film, set EV 15 = 1/250 at f/11, or 1/125 at f/16, or 1/60 at f/22 or whatever the Pony sets.
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