Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

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Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

Post by alexvaras »

Hi all,

It took me some time until I got the pieces and time to organise everything. I have to say I have learnt a lot from this little one, there is one picture I will write here the comments because I think it worthy if you are interested on servicing Compur shutters.

Serial number.

Lens opening.


Removing Zeiss Ikon and Aperture marks.

This is going to be fun.

Stripped and ready to be cleaned!

Good use of a cheap dremmel.

Now, how Compur works...
#1 We cock the shutter in CW. By doing this we pressure the tab #2 down allowing the slow gear stopper #3 going up if any speed from 1/50sec to 1sec is selected, the distance going up depends of the speed selected, 1/50sec just half 1mm, 1 sec about 3 mm.

Now with the shutter cocked we release the shutter so #4 thank to its spring goes very fast CCW opening the shutter blades on its way (the first thing to do), if 1/100 or 1/300sec are selected nothing else happens, at the end it will close the shutter blades and the exposure is done. BUT if #3 is a bit up it will slow down the ring #4 as the #5 is shown, so the force done by #4 trying to put down #3 and continue its way for closing the shutter blades is the time the shutter remains open giving us more time for exposure as selected.

Why is it important then to check 1 second exposure when buying second hand camera with Compur shutter? If 1sec works fine the rest will be accurate for sure, maybe the fastest won't be as fast as the first day after factory but at least the half expected.

To set up now the 1sec speed to a real 1 second we have many ways, two of them are through this #6 round piece, this is the spring I found broken, when holding the slow gear mechanism out of the shutter you can close or open that spring giving more or less resistance for #3 to go down when it's pushed by #4, another way is through #6 spring with has 4 positions, from left (less resistance) to right (more resistance) to give #3 again.
There is one way to test, place the slow gear mechanism, the #4 cock ring with it spring and place the shutter speed plate in position and check 1sec.

I hope you can get the idea and give a try if you have a non accurate Compur shutter :)

One second.

Zeiss Ikon Kolibri ready!

Full album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmy1T4RU

Thank for watching,

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Re: Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

Post by PFMcFarland »

Excellent work, Alex! That's the way I set up any leaf shutter, make sure the slowest speed is correct. It will be nice to see what results you get with the camera.


Waiting for the light
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Re: Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

Post by alexvaras »

Thank you, Phil.
As for the camera, I will give it back to my friend and he will try to sell it, but here a 127mm film camera has few chances too be sold.
I liked the format and I would like one with the view finder on top of the lens, Voigtlander Perkeo 3x4 is on my sight now.

Santiago Montenegro
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Re: Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

Post by Santiago Montenegro »

Wonderfull post, Alex!

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Re: Zeiss Ikon Kolibri.

Post by alexvaras »

Thank you, Santiago.

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