After the upgrade on Aug. 10, 2019, the forums were no longer available.
After a number of hours of trying different things, which included setting up a parallel site, I was able to get the forums to a workable state.
While adding the various extensions (plug-ins to provide extra functionality), the forums again stopped working. I then removed all of the extensions and forum styles and re-installed them one at a time. Two were discovered to be the cause of the forums not working. There are 17 extensions that provide various functions from the pop-up log-in box to the lightbox display of photos in posts to the use of BBCodes to the ability to quickly switch between styles to blocking spambots from registering. One of the lost extensions automatically backed up the site's contents nightly.
At least two of the board styles were incompatible with the new software and provided no new versions, while every other style needed to be updated. Feel free to browse the available styles and let me know if you would like to add it to the forums.
- Recent topics - an extension that displays the most recent posts, shown five at a time.
- Media tag - an extension will allow you to paste nearly any URL into a post, and it will automatically display that video. You shouldn't have to wrap any code around it. Feel free to test it. It works with videos from more than 100 sites, including YouTube, The Wall Street Journal, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook, ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN, BBC and a bunch of others.
Code: Select all
Video: "Behind the Wheel of the First Car Ever Called Porsche"