I took it for exercise in a brief visit to the newly opened aeronautical museum, which is run by our Air Force. In this visit I concentrated on the main hangar, a difficult place for photography because of the light direction. Most of the shots were close to full aperture, with the 35mm Distagon and the 50mm Planar.
My first flight was in this Vickers Viscount, 55 years ago.

Inside the hangar, a lot of beautiful machinery.

The Pucará was a light attack plane that saw service on the Argentina side in the Falklands war. It was the most modern plane in the exhibition.

This is a place to come back, equipped with a wider lens and HP5+ instead of FP4+
In this roll I had development problems, with old D-23 and very cold water to deal with. The scanner and its software saved the day.
Thanks for looking!