Given I'm on a bit of a real-camera resurgence roll, I thought I'd take out one of the first folding cameras I bought, back in the early noughties when living in NL. It's a Franka Rolfix II, a 6x9 that also comes with a 6x6 mask and a 105mm f3.5 Rodenstock-Trinar lens. It's a non-rangefinder with a sliding switch to alter the viewfinder format. The camera is in nice condition everything works as smoothly and crisply as (I imagine) it came out the factory. While the Trinar is a triplet, it exhibits pretty good sharpness.
The biggest struggle for me with this camera is not the lack of rangefinder, but the non-square standard format. I suppose one day I need to shoot it with the 6x6 mask, but I've got other 6x6 cameras...
Anyway, here a few shots from a couple of weekends back. This is expired Neopan 400 developed in 510-Pyro 1+200 for 60 minutes (stand).
Franka Rolfix II
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Re: Franka Rolfix II
It seems to me that you made excellent use of the non-square format here. Nice results!
Re: Franka Rolfix II
That's really excellent sharpness from that camera. The Rolfix doesn't get a lot of attention, but truth be told, there are so many cameras out there.
-Mike Elek
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