Weekend shooters

Accessories, tripods, the future of digital and other topics that don't fit within one of the other categories.
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Weekend shooters

Post by scott »

You know, I spent the last 30 minutes writing this long post about these cameras and how they came to me, but when I hit "Post", it made me log in again, and my entire text was gone. Can't recover it. That completely sucks. Not writing it again, so this is the abbreviated version.

In Delaware for the weekend. Brought cameras. They have stories.

ImageVacation lineup by Scott, on Flickr

More later, if I am not still pissed about this.

grumble grumble

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by alexvaras »

It happens to me with the email app in my phone, drafts disappear out of nothing…
Enjoy the weekend and the cameras :)

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by Julio1fer »

What a lineup! Waiting for the stories, and enjoy the weekend while you cool down!

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by scott »

Okay, had a good weekend. I got two hours sleep last night (this morning?) so this may be kind of rambling and incoherent, but I guess that's really nothing new...

Maddie got the opportunity in her collegiate career to travel a bit. She spent a month in Florence learning Italian, and a month in the UK (London and Dublin) attending a bunch of theater productions (one of her degrees was in technical theater). She's extremely thoughtful and found really nice, considered gifts for everyone. Of course, mine were cameras. She found them in markets, talked to vendors, heard stories, haggled. She did well.

The FED 5B came from Florence (I'll ask her the market when she gets up). Had a roll oof film jammed in it, but I was able to extract it, and will process it sometime myself (I'm taking PF's warning about being liable for whatever someone shot 50 years ago to heart). Once cleared, the camera seems to work pretty well. The Industar 61 had a pretty badly dented filter ring, but last week I decided I'd give it a go. Got it pretty well corrected. Threads were a little boogered, but I found a nice metal hood on Amazon for $8 (!!!) and was able to chase the threads enough that the hood isn't going anywhere. The only thing I will need to work on at some point is the rangefinder - the vertical alignment is off.

The Brownie Reflex came from the Camden Market (of course it did). Other than being a bit grungy, it seems to work flawlessly. But, really, what is there to not work on these? The viewer is insanely bright, the "lens" (it's a monocle, isn't it?) cleaned up nicely. It's a really fun little camera.

The Retina II got cleaned up and that's about it. Need to do whatever Chris Sherlock recommends for making the door spring open a bit more smoothly, but it's aces. I also found a nice, heavy cotton cord wrist strap with leather padding to mount in the tripod socket (thanks again, Amazon!). Most of the old cameras I have been messing with lately have no lugs, and are not pocketable if I'm not wearing a jacket.

Maddie also picked up an Argus Seventy Five at a local junk store. Also cleaned up well and has essentially nothing to go wrong. She brough that along, too. She also brough along her Instax.

Found some Shanghai 127 on eBay, and got a couple rolls of 620 from B&H. Spent WAY too much on the 620, before I researched it and learned I could just trim the edge of the spool on a 120 roll to fit (the spool is the correct length). That camera will only see Arista from now on.

It was a really fast trip - headed to Delaware from Citizen's Bank Park after the Phillies game Thursday, came home Sunday afternoon. Busy the whole time, not a lot of time to shoot. I was able to run about half a roll though the Brownie. What a fun little camera> Aim and shoot, hope it turns out. Kind of liberating. When I'm able to walk again I'll finish that off and see what I get. Used it walking around Lewes for snapshots, and it seems well suited for that. Maddie shot her Instax, mostly at a little place I took my wife to for our anniversary (Maddie insisted on going to). Got to drink wine at a small game preserve - "Sipping with Sloths". I'll have to scan some of her pictures. We loaded the Argus, don't think she shot it.

I'm going to be a bit incapacitated for a bit, but once I'm mobile again, will be taking the FED and Retina out. Likely just strolling around local towns. Really looking forward to it. And I took inventory - I have six cameras on the bench to finish up. Plenty to play with.

Hopefully, pictures coming soon!

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by Brazile »

Daughters are awesome.

Really enjoyed the back story. Heal up quickly!


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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by alexvaras »

Nice story! Thank you for sharing and I hope you get recovered soon!

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by scott »

Thanks, guys, I appreciate it. Started PT yesterday, which kinda sucked, but hoping to get back to useful soon.

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by Julio1fer »

Get well soon!

Nice story about those cameras. Indeed simple cameras with a good viewfinder, such as the Brownie Reflex, are a joy to use.

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Re: Weekend shooters

Post by PFMcFarland »

Sometimes I wonder if the physical therapists have ever had to do most of the exercises they inflict on their patients. I hope your sessions aren't too long.

One thing I started doing here when making a long posting is to copy the text before I hit submit. That way I only need to paste it back in when I get kicked-off by the site.


Waiting for the light
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