2014 Decatur County, IN Fair Part 2 of 6

Often simply written as "W/NW" - your favorite photos. Explain them, or let your photos (film or digital) speak for themselves.
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2014 Decatur County, IN Fair Part 2 of 6

Post by PFMcFarland »

The Displays

Future Farmers of America, and 4-H are two programs that help kids get a head start on life, and the awards given out at county fairs are an incentive to drive them to improve on their skills.

Corn and Soybeans by br1078phot, on Flickr

https://www.flickr.com/photos/7699588@N ... 023740672/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Follow above link for more photos.


Waiting for the light
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