What camera are you using today?

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Re: What camera are you using today?

Post by Bennybee »

Technically not 'today' but 'these days' I use my "new" Nikon F100 with AF-S Nikkor 50mm/1.8G lens : in my hands it feels so capable and ideally formed. A real pleasure to use.
Till now I have shot just one test roll though. The film was Agfa APX100, but nothing interesting from that roll to show : I have been shooting front yard hedges that people had trimmed in weird forms - not animals and stuff, but blocks and waves because the hedge had grown too big.
The subject did not come out well on b/w film though.

When the weather clears just a bit I'll be taking out another 'new' friend : a Mamiya RB67 Pro SD with brand new 127mm K/L lens.
I'd like to get the Polaroid back for this beast, having seen (on the web) all the great results people are getting from that set-up, using color and b/w Fujifilm Instant film.

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Re: What camera are you using today?

Post by LarryD »

Today I have a Minolta X-700 with the auto winder and a Vivitar flash on it loaded with Polypan. Since it is a bad overcast I also have it attached to a nice sturdy steel tripod.
If we all saw the world the same no one would need a camera.
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Re: What camera are you using today?

Post by scott »

1.a. Canon 70D
2.a. It's digital, silly
3.a. It's capable, it's quick, it's versatile, and I have an almost completely digital workstream now, anyway, so it streamlines the process

1.b. Bronica SQ-A
2.b. Acros (or PanF or HP5+ or TriX)
3.b. Despite my best efforts to abandon film, I'm a creature of habit, love working with it, and the Bronica delivers stunning results that have a feel much more organic than digital. Whether that difference is enough to justify the expense, time, and effort to shoot film isn't always apparent.
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Re: What camera are you using today?

Post by RonB »

I like and use my Zeiss Ikons and Canon A-???s,--- but have sort of a like the feel and results of my Canon D60, 6.3mp. I have a few EF lenses to fit it.
Just came by a Canon XTi 10.3? mp which I would put in second place to the 60D.
The Canon A1 is my favorite film camera as far as automatic goes and the older Kodaks and Zeisses still are fun for me.
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