Cameras that you should have kept

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Cameras that you should have kept

Post by melek »

Are there any camera that you sold or gave away but wish that you hadn't? :cry:

Here's my short list:
  • Kodak Medalist II - Not a great camera to use, although I spent a long time selecting it and then restoring it. I sometimes refer to it as "The Incredible Bulk," because it was like trying to photograph with a toaster.
  • Leica IIIf - In addition to the "f," I also had a "c." Both had Summitars. Sadly, both had to go at the time to pay off some bills.
  • Nikon S - See above. (But I got another from the Captain.)
  • Hasselblad XPan - I prefer not to think or talk about selling this camera. :x

-Mike Elek
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Re: Cameras that you should have kept

Post by GerryM »

Probably missed a few, but the most regretted:
Rolleiflex 2.8E
Leica M4, Summicron 50/2 DR
Mamiya 7, 65 & 80
Crown Graphic 23, Ektar 105/3.7
Santiago Montenegro
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Re: Cameras that you should have kept

Post by Santiago Montenegro »

It would be easier for me to list the ones I have NOT regretted selling. Which would be a short one: The Tessina. Beautifully crafted, but a lousy image maker.

All others I regret.
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Re: Cameras that you should have kept

Post by PFMcFarland »

My first Nikkormat FTN
Voigtlander Vitessa L
Mamiya C330F outfit

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Re: Cameras that you should have kept

Post by Bennybee »

I now regret selling on that black Spotmatic that I got cheap on the fleamarket, just to make a few bucks on it (okay, I wasn't using it either).
Maybe I should have kept that Bronica RF645 too. It was a great camera but the floppy winding lever made me sell it quickly before it broke down. They are supposed to be like that but I don't know...
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