Memorial Parks

Often simply written as "W/NW" - your favorite photos. Explain them, or let your photos (film or digital) speak for themselves.
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Memorial Parks

Post by PFMcFarland »

Back in April I did a shoot with just the camera on my LG Sunset Tracfone. It was the perfect day to see what its limitations are, which there are a few. The screen is too reflective, it color shifts when pointed towards the light, not many controls available without expanding the on screen menu. Add to that the tiny sensor which precludes any decent kind of image enlargement. Uploading photos is a bear too, because if you use the original size, you can only send ten at a time. And don’t try to send more than one group at a time, as the phone will arbitrarily drop some of them. But it’s there.

I’ve used it to supplement my film cameras when either I ran out of film, or had a fixed lens camera that wasn’t wide enough for the view I wanted. Also when I didn’t bother to take a camera with me, or when I just wanted a couple of quick snaps. But I can’t see me making a habit of using the camera feature. Heck, I don’t even use it to make calls. It’s more of a mobile Internet access point for me.

In Rocky Mount, VA there are two interconnected parks along the Pigg River. One is the Franklin County Veterans Memorial, and the other is the Vernon Lee Lynch II Riverside Memorial. The former is more somber, while the latter is more for recreation. There are some exposed rocks along the riverbank that look like hematite, a form of iron ore, and some lovely flowering trees that were at their best that day.

Franklin County Veterans Memorial Park by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Vernon Lee Lynch II Riverside Memorial Park by P F McFarland, on Flickr

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Re: Memorial Parks

Post by minoly »

The Sunset phone handles exposures well- the fresh look of Spring and the balance between sky and land come through clearly. And the light colors of the blossoms at the end are not blown out. LG is a respected name at our house for electronics; we don't have their phone, though.

Bill Delehanty
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Re: Memorial Parks

Post by PFMcFarland »

Thanks, Bill. I got the phone mainly so I could keep up with e-mail, Flickr, and a couple of other sites when on the road, and the use of some weather apps so I wouldn't get caught out in a thunderstorm. It's a Tracfone, so there is no contract involved, I just pay as I use it. And if I need more time or data, it's easy to pick up a card at most stores. I still use my flip-phone for making calls.

Waiting for the light
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