
Often simply written as "W/NW" - your favorite photos. Explain them, or let your photos (film or digital) speak for themselves.
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Post by scott »

Hi, all -

I'm not doing much in the way of photography lately - little time, and seemingly less interest. To wit: My wife and I were in Sonoma a few weeks ago to run the Napa-to-Sonoma half marathon, and spent a few days wine tasting and sight seeing after the race. When we made the plans late last year, I was waffling between cameras to bring. In the end I brought the 70D and one lens, opting to not bother with film at all (even was considering buying a Canon L3 at one point...). And when all was said and done, I didn't shoot many pictures at all. I'm between jobs now for a few weeks, and am hoping to burn some sheet film. Just not feeling it. Hmm...

Anyway, some of what I *did* shoot while there. Nothing fantastic, touristy shots. Beautiful trip, though.

Started off in Bodega Bay:

ImageIMG_9804 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageIMG_9799 by Scott, on Flickr

Moved to Sonoma next day, ran the following day. From between miles 6 and 8 somewhere:
Imagerace_3118_photo_39171748 by Scott, on Flickr

Sequoias at Korbel:
ImageIMG_9870a by Scott, on Flickr

Dry Creek in northern Sonoma county:
ImageDry Creek by Scott, on Flickr

Wineries like goats:
ImageIMG_9835 by Scott, on Flickr

Mumm Napa:
ImageIMG_9882 by Scott, on Flickr

Taken by a stranger, outside Rodney Strong:
ImageIMG_9862 by Scott, on Flickr

I'm saddened at the impending loss of the archives at nelsonfoto, and kind of lost personally as far as photography goes. Our trip was amazing, I'm glad for the little bit of shooting I did, and maybe the fires will be stoked over this break.

Anyway, thanks as always for your time.

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Re: Sonoma

Post by minoly »

Seems to me to be fine photos of great country and pleasant people-- pretty good combination that does bring out that it was a fine trip, too.
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Re: Sonoma

Post by Bennybee »

Hi Scott, these are nice pictures with a holiday feeling to them. I'm not very active in photography these days either, and I don't have such nice warm surroundings nearby... ;-)
Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Sonoma

Post by Brazile »

Looks good, Scott -- congrats on completing the half. Inspiration comes and goes on its own schedule -- I'm sure it will return when you're good and ready. In the meanwhile, I find sometimes that going through the motions and treating it as an exercise sometimes sparks something. If not, just put it aside until the mood strikes and enjoy life!

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Re: Sonoma

Post by scott »

Thanks, guys. The weather and area (and wine!) were fantastic. We're trying to figure out how to retire there. Wineries gotta need ChEs, don't they?!

As far as shooting goes, I figure to shoot a couple sheets of the boy today, haven't done that in six months. There are some local things I've wanted to shoot LF on for ages. Don't know if I'll get to them before starting the new job, and while it sounds great to do, the thought of manipulating all the film (loading, developing, scanning) just seems tiresome. We shall see. In the mean time I enjoy looking at everyone's stuff here - maybe that's enough for now.

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Re: Sonoma

Post by PFMcFarland »

Photography lulls are something everyone goes through, Scott. I'm in one right now, though it's mainly weather induced. Too hot and wet. It will come back to you. At least you still know how to use the camera, as your Sonoma photos show. And that would be a nice place to retire.

Congrats on the half-marathon, and hope the new job sits well with you.

Waiting for the light
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