Ihagee returns with a new 35mm camera.

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Re: Ihagee returns with a new 35mm camera.

Post by PFMcFarland »

melek wrote:
Captain Slack wrote:If nothing else, I learned how to pronounce Ihagee from that! ;)
I was going to mention that, too. :)

If you look at the shutter, it's really different. The company is calling it a "vertical slot closure." Not sure what that means.
Could it be the old Kiev 19 has a horizontally running cloth shutter inherited from the FED/Zorki line, and the shutter in the Elbaflex is a modern metal bladed (like the Copal) running vertically? That would be a big improvement on operations, but why limit it to the same old rangefinder speeds? Can't be because they are trying to hit a price point, seeing as the camera is way overpriced as is.


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Re: Ihagee returns with a new 35mm camera.

Post by LarryD »

For the 4/3 people. Remember that you could also use the MF lenses on Nikon's years ago with a Kiev adapter.

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Re: Ihagee returns with a new 35mm camera.

Post by LarryD »

Let me dig out my Kiev 20 I think it had that shutter but at 1000th. It was the top of the line but then deemed too expensive to produce so they went to the 19M.

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Re: Ihagee returns with a new 35mm camera.

Post by PFMcFarland »

After reading a camera review yesterday, the shutter speeds match the old Praktina FX. Tri-X was still rated at ASA 320 back then.


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