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Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:37 pm
by Brazile
I've been feeling guilty because I haven't contributed enough in the way of photos around here recently. It's been a pretty crazy summer so far with family stuff, what with graduations, daughter's college frisbee team at nationals trip, graduation-present trips, finding-the-daughter-an-apartment trips, a family reunion, a family wedding, a bicycling weekend with friends, and an ultimate frisbee tournament. But the summer is almost over, and once I help my daughter move into her grad school apartment, things should settle down and I can return to some of the photographic projects I had to put aside in May.

Of course with all that going on, I still had various cameras available to me, so I took a few shots here and there. So here's a quick walk through some of them, for those who might enjoy such. Sorry it's such a large indigestible lump; I really need to do this in smaller pieces...

First off, graduation! My daughter and one of her good friends and suitemates sweltering but happy in the Houston heat:


and a quick pano of the post-graduation scrum:


Then on to USA Ultimate's Division III college nationals, where my daughter's team missed a three-peat by a dropped disc (no, not this particular one):


Then wandering around Pittsburgh looking at apartments on a hot day:


Then it was off to France to attend the European football championships, which had been a requested graduation present:




Then a family reunion at the family home in Edgartown (always grateful I married into a long-time Island family, else this would be really tough to manage) the week of the 4th, including the Edgartown parade, some fun in the sun, and the ever-varying island weather:




Then we got to watch two special people get hitched and celebrate it with their -- and my -- loved ones:




Then off bicycling with friends on a loop around the northern end of Lake Champlain involving three ferries:






Then, the end-of-summer ultimate tournament that means it's just about time to move my daughter to Pittsburgh:

And then it's time for some rest and to enjoy some weekends when I don't have to be anywhere!


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:10 pm
by BillyBob
Nice review and pics!

I especially love the foggy boats shot; the splotches of color contrast so well with the blue-grey background.

And the clouds-and-sun-on-the-water is beautiful!


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:44 am
by Brazile
Thanks, Bill!

Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:24 pm
by PFMcFarland
I've been following all these on Flickr, so I know you've been very busy, Robert. It will be a summer to remember! And you've got the great photos to jog that memory along.


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:10 pm
by jamesmck
Geez, Robert, your travels make me jealous. "Cobbled Street" is a classic that should go on a wall. Is your daughter going to grad school in Pittsburgh?

Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:20 pm
by Brazile
PF -- I surely appreciate that you've been following along; it's good to have an audience who understands photography.

James, my travels would make me jealous too, but at the moment, they're just making me tired! But I'm fortunate to be able to, no doubt about it. Yes, my daughter is joining Pitt's History Ph.D. program; we're moving her down there this coming weekend. Then...empty nest.


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:37 pm
by Philip
Great pictures, and lovely story(ies), too.

Best of luck to your daughter in her PhD. Does she take pictures, like her father?


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:24 pm
by Julio1fer
Great summer, and great pictures! Thanks for sharing these. All the best for your daughter's studies!

Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:59 am
by Brazile
Thanks, Philip! She does occasionally, and has an eye for it, but can't be bothered to get the camera out except for the most special of occasions. I keep hoping the desire will kick in at some point.

Thanks, Julio. My family is mostly academics, so I'm glad she's carrying on the tradition.


Re: Busy summer (warning: lots of photo links!)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:00 pm
by scott
Fan-frickin-tastic! I didn't know your daughter was in Houston (we were down that way for a number of years), and Edgartown is the best (I'll tell you about our Port Hunter trip sometime...)! The pictures are first-rate, and looks like a full, productive summer.

My only issue: Summer is not almost over! No, no, no! Too fast! Too fast!