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Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:47 pm
by OpenWater
(Please bear with this long introducton to a WNW section.)

We were recently in Chicago and by chance happened to be there for the annual Air and Water Show. Even though the weather that day began with heavy rain, the pilots knew something we didn't and went ahead with the show. As it turned out, they were right; the clouds gave way to beautiful blue sky. I, of course, had brought the wrong lens (the longest was my 70mm on an APSC camera) so most of my photos were not particularly good. I did get two of Susan Dacy in her Stearman that are not too bad. She is a great pilot!

Anyway, as I was putting them in Lightroom I thought that I should start an aviation folder. While doing so I ran across some images that I had taken in 2010 at the Olde Rhinebeck (New York) Aerodrome, which is the best flying museum for antique aircraft that I have ever been to. And while looking at the photos, it occurred to me that one of the nice things about photography is how memory can be refreshed while looking at old images. The day in the little village of Rhinebeck was very similar to the day in Chicago: hot, humid, with towering clouds giving way to beautiful skies. Despite the heat, my wife and I had a wonderful time. Even though the flying show is a bit corny with Dudley Dooright saving Beautiful Nell from the evil Huns, the flying is hugely fun to watch.

So, here are a couple with links to Flickr. (Yes, I should have used a slower shutter speed with the propeller driven aircraft! As Snoopy in the SPAD VII - or was his doghouse a Sopwith Camel? - would have said, "Rats!")

Stearman Super 70, Susan Dacy
ChicagoAir&WaterShow2016-08-30_1 by UnderOpenWater, on Flickr


RhinebeckAerodromeM-011-06202010 by UnderOpenWater, on Flickr


RhinebeckAerodromeM-027-06202010 by UnderOpenWater, on Flickr

More here:

Re: Airshows

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:26 pm
by jamesmck
I like them all, here and on Flickr. The third one shown here is very nice. I like the drama of the Chicago shot. I agree with what you said about the joys of looking at one's older photos.

Re: Airshows

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:01 pm
by Julio1fer
A beautiful series. You got some excellent composition of the planes!

These old machines are incredible.

Re: Airshows

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:02 pm
by PFMcFarland
Lots of great shots, and I'll have to make sure and see the latest on Flickr.