120 Film

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120 Film

Post by TobaccorRoad »

I just found some old (exp 03/1991} 120 roll film. Found it in the freezer, but now just in the fridge.
It is Kodak Plus-X pan B&W Negative film. I am thinking of using it in my Box Tengor.
Or if I use a different camera what do I use for the ISO setting?
Ron B

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Re: 120 Film

Post by PFMcFarland »

Lets see, Plus-X was ISO 125, right? And your film is 16 years out of date, but has been frozen stored, so I wouldn't go more than a stop down, maybe just a half.

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Re: 120 Film

Post by Julio1fer »

Should work quite close to the original ISO. Maybe pull it one stop to ISO 64, in order to reduce possible fog.
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