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Backyard Bronica...

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:49 am
by scott
Hi all -

Have a trip coming up. Debating on which camera to bring. Have it narrowed down to a few. Was thinking the new-ish Vitessa, but started pondering the Yashica-Mat. I really like medium format better than 35mm, and the 'Mat is such a fine user. Then I started pondering the Bronica. Heavy and unwieldy, but I feel like the output from that camera is just somehow, better, or something. There's a definite difference to me.

So, in the interest of curing my indecisiveness, I ran a quick roll of Acros through the Bronica last night. Some decent (to me, anyway) shots:

Imageimg113 by Scott, on Flickr

Imageimg120 by Scott, on Flickr

Imageimg122 by Scott, on Flickr

Momma was happy.

So, I enjoy shooting it. I have the 'Mat loaded now, and will see how that feels. I need to finish off the roll in the Vitessa, but that feels like it's fallen to a distant third.

Whatever - the pondering and deciding is an awful lot of fun.

Thanks for looking.

Re: Backyard Bronica...

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:38 pm
by GrahamS
Nice portraits, Scott. I once had a Bronica of my own - with a Nikkor 80mm f2.8 lens. I loved it.

Re: Backyard Bronica...

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:09 pm
by PFMcFarland
Very good shots as usual, Scott. To me, the only reason I would not bring the Vitessa along is the fact it is a fixed focal length. Now if you had a Vitessa T, you could change lenses when you wanted to, but loose the compactness of the clam-shell enclosure. Still, there will be those times when a big old Bronica S2 will just be too much to lug around, so it would be good to have the Vitessa with you. And there is nothing worse than being on vacation, and your only camera craps out on you. You can't pop into the local druggist anymore to get a disposable camera to finish the documentation.


Re: Backyard Bronica...

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:02 pm
by Julio1fer
Beautiful portraits!

About the trip, whatever your decision is, you'll be bringing a very good camera. Any of your three options will do the job well.