Vintage (British) cars and cameras
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:29 pm
It's really just vintage cars that I photographed, and to be specific, it was "The Vintage Triumph Register."
About 200 cars rolled into town over the weekend of the group's national convention. Its members stayed at a hotel just across the street from my workplace, and the actual shows was right here. it's an office park that doesn't get much traffic on the weekend, which made it perfect for this show. I didn't have to dodge traffic at all.
This was a competition, and I shot the cars that were being considered for "Best of Show." There were about 150 others that I didn't see. I ran out of time. I had to do some grocery shopping!
I loved the old Triumphs, and you can see how the design of each decade really reflected the fashion and culture of each era.
I shot mostly with an older 18mm Carl Zeiss Distagon for Rollei QBM. I shot a handful with an f/2.0 28mm Kiron lens and a few with the 50mm Planar in Rollei QBM.
The 18mm Distagon really shined in this situation, particularly when shooting the tight engine compartments and interiors, as well as the trunks. For the most part, I shot at either f/5.6 or f/8. This is an f/4 lens.
Because the cars were highly polished, I tried to be careful about not getting my reflection in the photos.
I used "focus peaking" for some shots, while for others I used the enlarge function.
I didn't sharpen or do anything with any of the photos. Each can use a bit of unsharp mask.
ยป More photos here (77 of them)
About 200 cars rolled into town over the weekend of the group's national convention. Its members stayed at a hotel just across the street from my workplace, and the actual shows was right here. it's an office park that doesn't get much traffic on the weekend, which made it perfect for this show. I didn't have to dodge traffic at all.
This was a competition, and I shot the cars that were being considered for "Best of Show." There were about 150 others that I didn't see. I ran out of time. I had to do some grocery shopping!
I loved the old Triumphs, and you can see how the design of each decade really reflected the fashion and culture of each era.
I shot mostly with an older 18mm Carl Zeiss Distagon for Rollei QBM. I shot a handful with an f/2.0 28mm Kiron lens and a few with the 50mm Planar in Rollei QBM.
The 18mm Distagon really shined in this situation, particularly when shooting the tight engine compartments and interiors, as well as the trunks. For the most part, I shot at either f/5.6 or f/8. This is an f/4 lens.
Because the cars were highly polished, I tried to be careful about not getting my reflection in the photos.
I used "focus peaking" for some shots, while for others I used the enlarge function.
I didn't sharpen or do anything with any of the photos. Each can use a bit of unsharp mask.
ยป More photos here (77 of them)