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Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:35 pm
by scott
Hi All -

I'm going to be posting my progress here so it's all in one place.

So, as previously posted, my new project, a Seneca Improved View 8x10, variant 4, arrived last week:

ImageSeneca Improved View 8x10 Project Camera by Scott, on Flickr

This is going to be kind of a long-term project, as there's plenty going on without trying to spend hours in the garage. So just for kicks this weekend, I pulled the handle retainers and soaked in Tarn-X to see what the finish looks like:

ImageBefore and after by Scott, on Flickr

Not bad, some brassing shows through, but definitely an improvement. First thing's first though - have to pull the bellows. I manage to pull all the screws in the back, but the front ones are harder to get to. In trying to manipulate the folds to fit a screwdriver in, it became obvious that the first folds are in rough shape. I'd hoped these bellows would be workable for while at least; now I'm not so sure. Have plenty of gaffer's tape, I'm going to try to piece it together (no holes that I can find), but I've already spoken with Sandeha about a new set. An eventuality, but I'd rather make that later than sooner.

Anyway, the bellows are out:
ImageBellows out by Scott, on Flickr

Stay tuned.

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:00 pm
by PFMcFarland
Seems like there is always more stress on the front of the bellows, Scott. I think that is because the weight is distributed over a smaller area than at the rear.


Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:52 am
by Brazile
I really like my Seneca 5x7, although it needs a bit of work on the front focusing mechanism, and I did ultimately have to replace the bellow: just too many pinholes. Works just fine now, though, as I'm sure yours will soon.


Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:11 pm
by Julio1fer
Impressive project, Scott.

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:27 am
by scott
Thanks guys. I’m kind of in regrouping mode with the bellows. Absolutely not an option financially to replace right now. Going to gingerly rebuild them with gaffers tape and see if I can get some more life out of them. Until then, plenty more to work on...

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:19 pm
by scott
So, Had some time this afternoon and tackled the misfitting back. For some reason the stock Seneca back was grafted onto a Korona or Agfa back. Overall it was about 1/16" too long in each axis:
ImageTrimming the back by Scott, on Flickr

ImageTrimming the back by Scott, on Flickr

The solution? Pretty simple - trim the edges back a bit. Obviously easiest done on a tablesaw, but mine's buried under flotsam right now, so I attacked with the Stanley 65:

ImageTrimming the back by Scott, on Flickr

ImageTrimming the back by Scott, on Flickr

The result?
ImageTrimming the back by Scott, on Flickr

Not bad for about 5 minute's work. Next is setting some locking pins and filling all the random holes, replace the holder stop, and refinish. And a new ground glass. But, Progress!

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 3:24 pm
by alexvaras
Well done with the Stanley, a table saw its maybe quicker but I think you enjoyed more and the finish its perfect with the plane.

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:56 am
by Brazile
Table saw is quicker if you have to do it repeatably, but for a one-shot...the block plane is about as quick as anything, and a lot safer and quieter to use!


Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 9:59 am
by scott
Side note: one of the five holders I got had 5x7 inserts installed. I removed them yesterday, waxed the slides, and was in general was feeling pretty good about myself. Then I noticed it was an 8x10 PLATE holder. Useless to me. Imma contact the guy I bought from to see if he wants to do anything about it, but it may end up going on the block. Drat.

Re: Seneca Improved View 8x10 Project

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:53 am
by Brazile
Or you can buy a box of 8x10 plates from Jason Lane and give it a try... Or pour your own! :-)
