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Good News/Bad News

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:42 pm
by scott
Good news: The new 18x24cm holders arrived from Sweden!
Image18x24cm DDS’s by Scott, on Flickr

Set up a test today. I'd made modifications to the loading end springs on the back, seems tight enough. Set up a closeup of the Konica, more than 1:1 on the 18x24 UM-MA. 20" of draw with a 5" lens. Guessed at reciprocity compensation, got in the ballpark.

ImageKonica by Scott, on Flickr

So, the bad news: The holder seems to have a small leak on the slide end. Not sure what to do about that. Need to try the other side, and other holder. Hopefully the rest are better.

Re: Good News/Bad News

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:17 pm
by scott
Bad news not so bad? The "leak" would seem to be wrong (Maddie set me straight on that). Light leaking in should show up as a bright spot, right? The shot is high-key, and there's a dark area along the edge. So, not a leak. Am I thinking about that right? I always get my dodging and burning confused. Still not sure the cause...

Re: Good News/Bad News

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:32 pm
by Brazile
Yeah, I was wondering about that. Don't see obvious evidence of a leak here.

Re: Good News/Bad News

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:13 am
by alexvaras
Congrats for the holders, they seem fine to me and no light leak.
Nice photo and setup ;)