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Photography gear theft in California

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:06 pm
by melek
Briefly, the story is that this couple was doing a shoot in or around San Francisco, and some guy followed them from the shoot.

At a certain point, traffic slowed, and the guy got out, pulled up his hoodie (of course), smashed the back window and took off with the camera, lenses and drone. The thief then jumped in his own car and took off.

You always think that maybe you would run the guy over or jump out and try to stop him, but the truth is that it happens so quickly that you freeze and don't react.

ยป Photographers Robbed of $7,000 in Gear While Stuck in Traffic

Re: Photography gear theft in California

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:52 pm
by Julio1fer
Sad! Hope that they had insurance.

Re: Photography gear theft in California

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:14 pm
by PFMcFarland
Likely someone set them up, planning on getting a free shoot out of the theft.