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The Last Round Up

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:28 am
by PFMcFarland
They've been baling up the last of the hay for the season up at the Greenfield Center in Botetourt County, VA.

These are the last exposures I'll be getting from the Canon Sure Shot Classic 120, as it has decided to no longer Auto-Focus when the lens is zoomed all the way out.

Taken on expired (03/06) Kodak Gold 100.


Long Shadow Field by br1078phot, on Flickr

Rolling In The Hay by br1078phot, on Flickr

Greenfield Panoramic by br1078phot, on Flickr

Three Spot by br1078phot, on Flickr


Re: The Last Round Up

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:44 pm
by Dustin McAmera
I have one of those. I bought it (new) to take traveling, and it's still one of the ones I'll pack to go away. It's an excellent little camera. The flash on mine stopped working, but that's not something I miss (I expect it's some flexible wiring (the flash slides out of the left side), but I'm not taking the camera apart just to mend something I never use).

Love those long shadows.

Re: The Last Round Up

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:54 pm
by PFMcFarland
Thanks, Dustin. This is the fourth Classic 120 I've owned, and I won't be replacing it, as much as I like the lens on it. The first one had a loading fault, the second one was DOA, the third one I ruined when I sweated on it while it was in my shirt pocket and shorted out the circuits. Most of the time, I've got mine set on Personal, with the Flash Off setting selected. It's a well designed camera, but the electronics are a bit fragile.