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First pictures with the Bronica S2A

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:02 pm
by Bennybee
Hi everyone,
Last week I posted a couple of pictures on NFF of the Bronica S2A that I recently bought, wondering if it could get me going again. So I took it out last sunday for a walk around the neighborhood - nothing fancy.
I had just put in a new focusing screen from Rick Oleson, which is a tremendous improvement in brightness. However, I discovered that the split image is off on objects which are at infinity. For everything further away than 3-4 metres I need to turn the focusing ring all the way to inf. I must look into that next weekend, and try to fix that - perhaps by adding a thin shim under the screen to move it up a hair or two.
Focusing is definitely off and that's why in the second picture the hedge is not so sharp as it should be.
Film was Fuji Acros 100. The whole film was exposed at 1/1000s - f/8 and souped in HC-110 (dil. B) for 6min. (recommended is 7min., but the developer was 24degrC against the recommended 20degrC...). The negs could have been a bit more dense I think and the second picture looks a bit grey to me now.
Then scanned on an Epson V600 at 300dpi. Then I gave a minute pull on the middle tone slider in Levels and a fraction of sharpening in PSE9 and here are the results. Hope you like them.



Re: First pictures with the Bronica S2A

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:08 pm
by Jim Evans
I understand the technical problems with the camera right now but that aside, these looks pretty good. I like how they turned out. The first one really shows off the lens.