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Leica Z2X

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:12 am
by minoly
I found this camera lying face down at the back of a Goodwill shelf; when I turned it over the Leica icon caught my eye. There was film in it and a live battery, but it was jammed tight. I thought it was worth a $4 experiment. After some tinkering, tugging, and pulling I was able to unjam it; I believe that the film cartridge itself was at fault --I had to pry it out. Maybe it's reasonable to conclude that the camera is pretty well built if it could withstand the treatment I gave it and still purr along nicely as it does now.

The specifications are not unusual: an f/4 zoom (about f/8 at the long end) from 35-70 mm (so, Z[oom]2X), auto everything with 3 important non-flash options (B for up to 99 secs, 2X compensation for backlighting, infinity lock). It's large but comfortable to shoot. I don't see a lot of references to it; I guess that availability would be rated uncommon.

Results are pleasing; only way I can describe what I've seen is "moderate", not referring to quality but to color and contrast; I haven't used it for b&w yet.

Following are a few examples from the processor's scans of Fuji 200 film.







I think that the last two photos date from the last snow of the season (so far) :) .

Bill Delehanty

Re: Leica Z2X

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:43 pm
by Philip
Oh god. I've got to get out more often. (To junk shops.) $4 for a Leica! You lucky man.

And lovely pictures too.

Re: Leica Z2X

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:32 pm
by PFMcFarland
Woot! Once more, Goodwill comes through! That's way better than a 50 cent VUWS. And it's in working condition, too. You'll want to hold on to that one Bill. Your check-out photos are great, and not just because of the camera.


Re: Leica Z2X

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:12 pm
by minoly
Thanks, Philip and Phil, for the comments. I really don't need another camera. But I'm glad I did pick up this one and I enjoyed using it for the two rolls that I shot. I want to try B&W in it next.
