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Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:25 pm
by scott
Hi, all -

Well, summer lacrosse (finally) ended last weekend. Hot hot hot tournament in Baltimore. The boy is on a rising 10th team; they competed in the U19 division. Yep - 15 year olds playing against kids up to 19 years old. And they held their own. Kept their heads, played with heart, and finished with class.

Took the 70D and a few lenses. A few shots from the weekend (all of my boy, of course):
ImageSummer Sizzle 2015 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageSummer Sizzle 2015 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageSummer Sizzle 2015 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageSummer Sizzle 2015 by Scott, on Flickr

ImageSummer Sizzle 2015 by Scott, on Flickr

The whole set can be seen here.

While I won't miss being gone every weekend, and the 2-3 times per week trip 90 minutes away for practice, I have to admit I'm a bit sad that the season is over. A really, really great group of kids, and genuinely nice families. Good season.

Thanks for looking.

Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:19 pm
by Philip
Here is my summer sizzle. It's been cold and dark and wet here all July month. (Google weather YYT if you're interested.) Yesterday and today we have had the fireplace going full tilt to bring the temperature up and the dampness down.


Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:57 pm
by minoly
I'm not familiar with the game or the camera, but I really enjoy looking at these game photos. Great job.

Bill D.

Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:39 am
by OpenWater
Great photos, Scott. Lacrosse looks like a very tough game!

Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:49 am
by Brazile
My goodness, Scott, given the weather on the East Coast (well, clearly not as far up as Philip, but still...) recently, that must have been hard on both players and spectators alike. It's sure rewarding to shoot your kids' action, isn't it? I find it challenging enough to anticipate the action with the sports I play myself, much less trying to do so with sports I never played. Did you play lacrosse yourself, or are you learning as you go?

I'm still learning about team sports shooting, but the practice surely does help. Seems like you're making good progress, too!


Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:08 pm
by PFMcFarland
Your anticipation is getting better, Scott. A fine set of action.


Re: Summer Sizzle, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:20 pm
by scott
Thanks, everyone. Bill, the camera is a Canon 70D DSLR, and the game I'd never seen before we moved to the east coast. Now my piddly undergrad school in Michigan even has a lacrosse team, and Denver won the national title. Robert, it was crazy hot. The final game, about 96 degrees, they split the running halves into quarters to give the kids a water break. We didn't have lacrosse where/when I grew up; had we, I'd have played it over football.

Thanks for your comments, guys.