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Old Vehicles By The Road

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:09 am
by PFMcFarland
Setting sun, two cameras with only a few exposures left in them, and a couple of fields full of antique vehicles. What could be better? Oh yeah, more film.

Zenit TTL with Ilford FP-4 Plus 125, and Minolta Hi-Matic 7 with Kodak ColorPlus 200.
Amherst County at Clifford, VA along US-29.

Melvin’s Garage by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Melvin’s Garage 2 by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Line-Up by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Ford At Rest by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Retirement by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Cloud Lifter by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Heavy Metal by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Mascot by P F McFarland, on Flickr


Re: Old Vehicles By The Road

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:19 pm
by Dustin McAmera
Excellent! I love in particular the two black-and-whites with the shadows starting to reach out across the grass. They recall so many afternoons that got away from me too early.

I don't remember trucks like that from my childhood; trucks (lorries if you don't mind) here have flat faces. So these little trucks bring back this one, in a forest in Ontario about five years ago:

Re: Old Vehicles By The Road

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:20 pm
by jamesmck
Love the "retired" vehicles, and Melvin's. Here are a few from Northern Virginia.
-- James


Re: Old Vehicles By The Road

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:13 am
by GrahamS
The trucks are nearly as old as the cameras......... ;)