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Possible future projects

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 1:14 pm
by AdminPTF
I think the forums - for the most part - are running smoothly. I see that we're slowly adding new members, and I want us to continue to add new members while maintaining the friendly and helpful spirit of the group.

- I'm looking at the possibility of adding a gallery plug-in/module that would allow for the random display of your photos on the main page. The busiest threads are in the "Words/No Words" category, so I think we definitely enjoy showing off our work.

At that point, I'll open up a board to allow those who are interested to upload a photo or two for the gallery. This will be purely voluntary.

- Maybe down the road, we can consider a collaborative self-publishing book project. Everyone gets to add one to three photos, maybe more. The idea just popped into my head, so it hasn't yet had time to develop/stop/fix. :-)

- If anyone has a camera that they don't mind shuttling around the world, I'd be open to that as well. Or we can use one of mine. Heck, I have several hundred. Literally, several hundred.

Re: Possible future projects

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 7:42 pm
by jamesmck
Good ideas, all, Mike. Thanks for your efforts.
--- James

Re: Possible future projects

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:02 am
by Martolod
thumbs up from me. :P

Re: Possible future projects

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:59 am
by OpenWater
Great ideas, all!

Re: Possible future projects

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 6:00 pm
by Jim Evans
I have an older Motorala Droid X smartphone that is collecting dust. Has a decent little camera on it for what it is. It's small and light and could easily be shipped around the States/World/Whatever. It's got a good battery and a a MicroSD card in it. I could even included a charger for it. Not sure I have an adapter for those overseas though.

Although not a true "camera" it might be a fun idea. The cool thing is I could set up a general photobucket account for the camera phone and as people take photos, they could be uploaded via WiFi. We would all know the username and password. Or we could do an Instagram App/account so the photos could be shared as they are taken once someone uploads them via WiFi. Not everyone will be able to upload but I'm guessing as the phone goes, they could be uploaded by the next person, or the next with WiFi.

Anyway, just a thought. Cheap, small, easy to ship and no film/processing/scanning costs. Not a high end camera by any means but it could be fun. If we get a list of people, I would get it started by taking a few photos and forwarding the Driod X. If it dies somewhere along of the way or gets lost, no big deal.
