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Fine weather pano

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:10 pm
by P C Headland
I've not been shooting too much recently, however with the holiday period coinciding with a decent period of fine, calm & warm weather, I was tempted to pick up a camera or two and head up one of the hills to capture a view and sunset or two. The walk would also remove a christmas mince pie from the system as a bonus ;)

This one was four frames shot with the Sigma DP2M and stitched with Autopano Pro. Shot from the hill in Ngaio; suburb of Wadestown in the foreground, "Cake Tin" in the middle with the port, city off to the left, airport off to the left))

Last light over Wellington, on Flickr

All the best for 2016!

Re: Fine weather pano

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:18 pm
by P C Headland
A little later, this time shot with the GX7 and 45-150mm lens. I'd not noticed it before, but this lens obviously vignettes wide open, which proved challenging when it came time to stitch. Still, it did provide a "learning opportunity".... I also played around some more with the stitching capabilities of Affinity Photo, and came away quite impressed. In the end though, I managed to get a pretty good result with my usual Autopano Pro with the help of some forum reading.

This was taken from the same position as the shot above, just with a longer lens.

Lights on the Port, on Flickr

Re: Fine weather pano

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:55 pm
by PFMcFarland
Both lovely shots, Paul. What I do if there is a chance of mucho vignetting is to shoot more frames, for a better overlap.


Re: Fine weather pano

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:15 am
by P C Headland
PFMcFarland wrote:Both lovely shots, Paul. What I do if there is a chance of mucho vignetting is to shoot more frames, for a better overlap.

These already had quite a bit of overlap (1/3). Since I'd upgraded to the latest version of APP, I'd not setup the default colour correction to also correct for vignetting. It only seemed to really affect multi-row panos shot in portrait mode. Those shot in landscape mode, or single row, stitched without issue.

Re: Fine weather pano

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:26 am
by Bennybee
Lovely! I was already thinking of emigrating to NZ, but now I'm even more convinced I should.