I've finally launched my YouTube channel

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I've finally launched my YouTube channel

Post by melek »

Here's the URL:

> Camera Talk YouTube channel

I've been thinking of doing this for a while, and I finally decided to make the leap. I built a repair station earlier this year from spare wood in the garage. I bought wood for the table stop and also wood for the video bracket that is clamped to the table top.

I added some lights. Then I replaced the tiny lights with larger lights. I also bought a microphone and audio recorder for separate audio. Video camera audio generally isn't that great, and I wanted more than cell phone video. I added some foam baffles to cut down on echo. I ended up swapping out this video camera with a small Sony ZV-1.

It's going to be a mix of old and new, film and some digital camera. I probably won't do anything on the 1980s-1990s auto-everything cameras, because I don't find them interesting. Plus I don't own any and don't plan to buy any.

So far, I have about a dozen videos with another 21 completed ready to be. I'm releasing one a week, although I might stick a few bonus videos in here and there.

I've done intros for about 10 of the cameras, although I might not continue it, because of the amount of time that it takes to produce and edit these. Plus, I really need a haircut, and I'm not cutting any more intros until that happens.

Here's my video station. I've done some cable management so that I don't have so many dangling wires.
video stand_800.jpg

-Mike Elek
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Re: I've finally launched my YouTube channel

Post by titrisol »

I like your MX video, yes they made it a bit too small

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Re: I've finally launched my YouTube channel

Post by PFMcFarland »

I like that rig. Will be checking out the videos when I have time.


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Re: I've finally launched my YouTube channel

Post by Bennybee »

Subscribed! Thanks Mike for doing all this work. Great videos - keep them coming :-)

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Re: I've finally launched my YouTube channel

Post by Julio1fer »

Bookmarked! Thanks Mike!

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