Playing with the Spottie...

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Playing with the Spottie...

Post by scott »

Hi, all -

A few weeks ago I sniped into a Super Takumar 50/1.4, not too badly yellowed by the Thorium. I was waffling between bringing the Spotmatic or a Canon L3 (or P) on our trip to Cali later this year. For many reasons opted for buying a lens for the Spottie. I bleached out most of the yellow under a high intensity LED for a few days, loaded the camera with Kentmere 100 and shot some pictures. Mostly test stuff, but the back half of the roll was on a couple walks at the Hill School with one kid then t'other. Those turned out better, and I present them here.










The camera is too much fun to use, and I'd forgotten how nice it is to play with small cameras. Scanning wasn't all bad, either, though a roll of 6x6 is a lot nicer to do than 36 little tiny frames. I'm not sure I like the Kentmere - seems awfully grainy for 100, but that might be the Adonal or the scanning, not sure. I have a roll of Acros in the camera now to see if there's a difference. The lens is wonderful.

So, I'm on the fence: Either take the Spotmatic on our wine country trip with the 50/1.4 and my 35/3.5, or bring along some version of a 6x6 (either the Bronica which seems like it would be overkill, or the Yashica-Mat, which hasn't been used in AGES). Regardless, I need to play with this camera, and all the others, a lot more than I have been lately.

Thanks for looking.

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Re: Playing with the Spottie...

Post by jamesmck »

All nice and crisp, Scott. Love the closeup of Maddie and the ram.
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Re: Playing with the Spottie...

Post by PFMcFarland »

Great shots of the kids at Hill School, Scott. Makes for some interesting backgrounds, and you haven't lost your touch on 35mm. Just like riding a bike.

For your traipse through the vineyards, the Bronica might be overkill, but you'd slay it with that rig. Since your Yashica-Mat has been sitting for so long, it might need a bit of a cleaning before working properly. Could be time consuming on the run-up to the trip. You'll be in wine country, where it's all about vintage, and you can't get much more classic vintage than a Spotmatic. Plus, it weighs less than either of the other choices. Don't forget to take a flash unit.

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Re: Playing with the Spottie...

Post by scott »

Thanks, James and PF.

PF, there are pros and cons on all of them. The Yashica-Mat has been idle a long time, but I tested it out and the overhaul I gave it is still good. Everything works precisely. It's loaded with Acros right now. The Bronica is a beast, but is probably the nicest medium format I've ever used, and even the S-grade lens is spectacular (though I'd probably try to find a bottom-feeder 80 PS for the trip). It is also loaded with Acros. The Spotmatic is by far the easiest, lightest, and most adaptable of the three. Just don't know as I want to deal with 135. Again, currently loaded with Acros (seeing a trend here?). I have a while to decide; I think it will require shooting all three a bit to confirm...
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Re: Playing with the Spottie...

Post by PFMcFarland »

Well, whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll come back with some spectacular images.

Waiting for the light
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