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Re: Trying again...
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:35 pm
by PFMcFarland
Brazile wrote:Phil buries the lede. CC-400? Welcome (back) to the club!
Really like Graham's crop. One of these days soon, I hope to get back to processing photos, but family stuff will have to wind down first.
CC-400 with a Wollensak 135mm f4.7 Raptar in a Rapax shutter. And a C2 roll film holder for 6x7 to get me started. Shutter is sticky, lens has coating damage, camera is missing a screw on the front standard, but you can't ask more from something that is the former property of the MIT Lincoln Lab.
I've still got my heavy duty tripod, and there is a dark cloth around here somewhere (all else fails, I'll use my Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" banner). Got some sheet film holders from box lots I've bought, and a Schneider-Kreuznach 4x Lupe. The case came without dividers, so I'll have to fabricate a set of those. Looking to get at least two more lenses. I should be set to go by the time fall color season starts.
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:41 am
by Brazile
Looking forward to seeing some results, PF! I have good friends who work at Lincoln Labs, though one of them just left to work on the Google self-driving car project. And a press lens to go with it, sure sounds like fun, despite the incidental infirmities.
I have a CC-400 also (my first LF camera) and it's clunky and big but sturdy and can do just about anything, just a workhorse. Mine came with a Caltar (Calumet house-branded Schneider, as I recall) 150 that had a cranky but functional shutter. Perfectly usable though. Later got a Schneider 90/6.8 (now on the Travelwide) for and a Caltar 215/6.3 that's a copy of Kodak's Commercial Ektar and is a good long-normal for portraits and some kinds of landscape. The kit stood me well until I mostly figured out what I was doing...then a few other lenses followed me home...
A dark cloth with the Dark Side of the Moon cover printed on it would be super cool, too. Maybe something like that would persuade Scott not to abandon LF and film completely, hey Scott?
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:11 pm
by PFMcFarland
Last night I finally got the camera I was looking for: Crown Graphic Special. I have a special place in my mind for this particular model because it was what I sold in the Big Survival Auction (I had traded a beat-up Pacemaker earlier). There is one in a local antique shop that the owner is asking $495 for, but I got a chance to check it out, and it has some problems such as the shutter release cable is smashed to uselessness. The one I won at auction is only half that with shipping, and it comes with film holders, flash, case, and a bunch of other stuff that is hard to see in the photos. Will be good for a field camera.
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:22 am
by GrahamS
PFMcFarland wrote:Last night I finally got the camera I was looking for: Crown Graphic Special.
Nice going. I too have a special fondness for the Crown Graphic.
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:36 am
by Brazile
Congrats! I've always enjoyed mine. If the flash is the usual flash holder, that's worth what you paid for the whole kit because of its connection to Star Wars (!). But it's good to keep the stuff together if you can...
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:25 am
by scott
Graham - I put a scan in Dropbox, let me know if it works.
We just got back form the Jersey shore yesterday. I took the Spotmatic and 50/1.4 Takumar. Had a blast shooting it, doubt I'll ever finish the roll or develop and scan. I should have taken the 70D and the adapter to use the Tak on it. Just where I'm at. Manipulating film, right now at least, seems like a chore.
That said, I was driving around with Maddie last night and there are definitely some projects I have in my head that I'd rather do on LF film than digital, for no discernible reason. Color slide film at that. So never say die.
My darkcloth is an REI fleece jacket that kills light better than anything I've ever used. I have wanted to have my wife sew me a proper darkcloth for years. Just never got around to it. But a Floyd one wouldn't work for me. As he's aged, David Gilmore has morphed into my dad's doppelganger. Very off-putting...
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:32 pm
by Brazile
You're supposed to listen to David, not look at him.
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:44 pm
by PFMcFarland
If I had DG's talent, I wouldn't care much what I looked like.
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:43 pm
by scott
Graham's edit:
img511 by
Scott, on Flickr
really need to improve my CS5-foo...
Re: Trying again...
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:51 pm
by GrahamS
I would say it deserves wall space........