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First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:32 am
by Bennybee
First roll in the Canon F1 that I purchased, well... a few years ago. I thought it was about time that I put a roll through this camera.
I am more a Nikon user, but I quite like this F1.
The lens is the Canon FD 50mm F/1.4 S.S.C. and the film was an Agfa APX100 24exp, of which I still have quite a few rolls in the freezer.
Developed this morning in 10 years old HC-110 (Dil.B) for 7 minutes. I think the images are a bit too contrasty, and only this one is more or less worth showing, the others being too harsh. It was just after noon and the sunlight may have been a bit too strong.

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:16 pm
by PFMcFarland
That's a good combo, Benny. I take it that is the original version of the F1.


Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:10 pm
by GrahamS
Less agitation, not less time, Benny. The F1 is a nice camera.

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:33 pm
by Julio1fer
Good instruments, that Canon combo is probably a good match for your Nikons.

That is a nice cows portrait.

I loved APX 100. It does go high in contrast quite easily. I used it with Rodinal and have no experience with HC-110, but you will get less contrast with shorter times or more dilution. Less agitation could also help. If you can use a two-bath formula such as Diafine it would also do a lot of compensation for harsh lighting. My favorite for these situations is Beutler.

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:20 am
by Bennybee
Thanks guys for the good tips.
The dilution was 1:31 ('Dil.B') and I reversed the tank 5-6 times every 30 seconds or so, like I usually do with Ilford HP5 film.
Maybe that was too much here, but I figured that less agitation would not be enough given the age of my stock solution. This proves however that old HC-110 is still as good as new. Come to think of it, it's about twelve years old and by now the color is a deep brownish orange, but still transparent. I had bought a new bottle last month because I planned to dump the old one, but I can see now that this would be a shame. Perhaps I just need to shoot more film :-)

Indeed Phil, I have the first (mechanical) version of the F1. Here is a picture of it. At first I was not too wild about the 'circle and needle' meter indication in the viewfinder, but it grows upon you after a while.

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:29 am
by Bennybee
Just to show how hard the negatives are, here is one of the same roll with minor tweaking in PSE : reduced contrast and slight darkening of the highlights.

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:14 am
by alexvaras
I like both of them Benny, I can see all the range in both photos and the tone is super nice.
I like the bell with the modern sign to ring on the second photo :)

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:24 am
by GrahamS
Now you're cookin' with gas....

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:24 am
by Bennybee
Thanks Graham.
Alex, yes I too thought that was funny. That gate and the little old bell are at least 50 meters away from the (now abandoned) house. I wonder if they could here it when someone called...

Re: First roll in the Canon F1

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:31 am
by alexvaras
Try it, you could be surprised:)