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Tele-Astranar 400/6.3

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:37 pm
by Brian
I had one of these when 14, used with my Argus/Cosina STL1000. Got a lot pf pictures of Football games, Field Hockey, and other outdoor sports in the High School yearbook with it. I traded that lens off over 35 years ago after picking up Nikkor lenses. Paid $34.94 for the lens, another $10 for the case and hood.

I found one on Ebay for $15, was the only bidder. Came with the Hood. Looks almost new, could have been my old lens frozen in time. This lens is very light, a simple design- thin glass elements. front-Cell focusing, means no heavy helical. I tried it out on the D1- it is T-Mount, so i replaced the M42 mount with an F-Mount that has been tested on AF cameras. The older ones have a stop-screw in them that will hang up on the contacts for the AF.

The entire front section rotates, so no using a Polarizer. BUT- the entire front section can be used to focus, it is easy to grab with gloves.


Surprisingly good, again- a simple design that does not push the speed envelope.

Image400mm F6.3 Tele-Astranar

We did not dig up the 19th century graveyard in out neighborhood.

Image400mm F6.3 Tele-Astranar

Which was built right after Poltergeist came out.

Close focus is just under 20ft.

Image400mm F6.3 Tele-Astranar

These shots are wide-open, hand-held at ISO200.

Re: Tele-Astranar 400/6.3

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:41 pm
by Brian
And it does pretty good with color,

Image400mm F6.3 Tele-Astranar

Re: Tele-Astranar 400/6.3

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:38 pm
by PFMcFarland
Can't recall as I've ever seen anyone do macro work with one of those, Brian. Splendid shot of the back-lit leaf.


Re: Tele-Astranar 400/6.3

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:56 am
by Dennis Gallus

For your small investment, you should have a lot of fun with that lens. It's sometimes surprising how some old lenses languish on eBay. I picked up an Auto-Telesar 300mm/4 a few years back for $25. It's good enough for some applications; one doesn't always need Nikkor quality.

Your fourth shot of the backlit leaf is outstanding.
